NFC World

Sheep Inc uses NFC tags to let sweater buyers trace their purchase back to the original fleece

Sheep Inc: The world’s first carbon-negative fashion brand — Evening Standard — “Each sweater comes with an NFC tag on the hem, marked with a unique serial number. When scanned with a smartphone, the full details of the garment’s manufacturing journey and carbon-footprint are unlocked… In amongst all the information and insights on material origins, water usage and production techniques that appear when you scan the tag, is also the name of the sheep who provided the wool for your sweater.” 

NFC World

Google offers $1m Titan M secure element bug bounty

Expanding the Android Security Rewards Program — Google — “The Android Security Rewards (ASR) program was created in 2015 to reward researchers who find and report security issues to help keep the Android ecosystem safe… Today, we’re expanding the program and increasing reward amounts. We are introducing a top prize of $1 million for a full chain remote code execution exploit with persistence which compromises the Titan M secure element on Pixel devices.” 

NFC World

Chick-fil-A adds NFC tags to restaurant tabletops

US fast food restaurant giant Chick-fil-A has launched a mobile ordering service that lets customers place food orders with their mobile phone and then tap a numbered NFC tag on their table to confirm where they are sitting so that their meal can be brought directly to their seat... More

NFC World

NXP updates Android NFC TagWriter app

PARTNER NEWS: Chipmaker NXP has updated NFC TagWriter, its Android app that can write and rewrite information such as contact data, web links, WiFi and Bluetooth connection details, as well as triggers for emails, calls, text messages, apps and more, into single or multiple NFC cards and tags... More