NFC World

Australia Post adds support for iPhone NFC passport reading

Australia Post has added support for iPhone NFC passport reading to its Digital iD service, enabling Australian residents to use their smartphone to register with the government-approved platform and then use their new digital identity for a wide range of applications — from opening a bank account to providing proof of age in a bar... More

NFC WorldKnowledge Centre

ST explains how NFC tags with digital signatures can provide end-to-end protection against counterfeiting throughout the supply chain

NFC tags that include support for digital signatures can provide protection against counterfeiting and grey market goods right through the supply chain — from the factory, through the distribution chain to the retailer and the consumer — chip maker STMicroelectronics explains in a white paper now available to download from the NFCW Knowledge Centre... More

NFC World

Ahold Delhaize to roll out NFC shelf edge labels in supermarkets across Europe

European supermarket group Ahold Delhaize is to equip its stores in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Greece, Czech Republic, Serbia and Romania with NFC-enabled electronic shelf edge labels that shoppers can tap to obtain more information about a product — and then add the items to their shopping basket so that they can self-checkout on their mobile phone... More

NFC World

NXP explains how NFC and RFID tags can be used to improve the security of blockchain-based supply chain systems

Graphic with Blockchain overlaid

PARTNER NEWS: “By adding transparency, security, and traceability, blockchain can make supply chains faster and more efficient, especially when originality and provenance are key concerns,” NXP explains in a new blog post. “At the same time, though, we see a way to improve the way blockchain is used in many of today’s implementations.” More