Contactless World Congress

Car Connectivity Consortium vice president Daniel Knobloch reports on the future of digital car keys

Daniel Knobloch, Vice President, Car Connectivity Consortium

Vehicle manufacturers across the world are now working to bring contactless car keys that work seamlessly on both Apple and Android devices to all makes and models of both privately-owned and commercial vehicles, Car Connectivity Consortium vice president Daniel Knobloch has told NFCW editor Sarah Clark. More

Apple digital driving licences and IDs go live in Georgia

Apple Watch with digital ID being used to prove identity at TSA checkpoint in Georgia

Apple users in the US state of Georgia can now create and store digital versions of their driving licence or state ID documents in Wallet on their iPhone or Apple Watch and use them to verify their identity by tapping their device at selected Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security checkpoints... More

European Parliament paper lays out risks, challenges and recommendations for digital euro project

Logo with euro symbol and map of EU for European Parliament paper on risks, challenges and recommendations for digital euro

The European Central Bank (ECB) should continue to develop the digital euro and start its proposed testing phase in October this year, but should not go ahead with launching the proposed central bank digital currency (CBDC) “unless new elements emerge strongly supporting such a decision”, according to an analysis paper requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)... More