Apple releases digital car key test app

Apple car keys test ident

A Car Keys Tests app that lets vehicle manufacturers test integration with Apple’s Car Key feature has been added by the iPhone maker to the App Store this week, 9to5 Mac has spotted. ... More

Monash University introduces NFC student IDs

Monash University NFC student IDs on iphone and apple watch

Australia’s Monash University has become the first in the country to let students and staff add a digital version of their ID card to their iPhone, Apple Watch or Android smartphone and then use their mobile credential “to complete any action that would have previously required a physical ID card”... More

Contactless World Congress

Trust Payments to share lessons learned from developing a softPOS solution for merchants across Europe

Banner showcasing Trust Payments case study on developing a merchant SoftPOS solution

Russel Luis E Fernandes, head of product for card present payments at European omnichannel payments leader Trust Payments, will share the lessons learned from developing a software-only POS solution for large and small merchants across Europe at NFCW’s next Contactless World Congress event on 21 February... More