Korea’s SK Planet buys US BLE offers platform Shopkick

SK Planet and Shopkick

Mobile offers platform Shopkick, which is working with a number of high profile US retailers to roll out a network of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons, has been acquired by SK Planet (SKP), operator of Korea’s largest shopper rewards program and part of the same group as carrier SK Telecom... More

What's New in Payments

US bank tests NFC Wave add-on

“One of the largest financial institutions in North America” is conducting an NFC mobile payments pilot that uses the Wave NFC device developed by On Track Innovations (OTI) in combination with provisioning and mobile wallet technology provided by ABnote... More

NFC World

AMS offers developer kit for adding NFC to electronic devices


PARTNER NEWS: Chip maker AMS, one of two NFC IC suppliers to Apple, has introduced a development kit and software stack designed to make it easy to build NFC functionality into routers, set-top boxes, automotive infotainment systems, consumer electronics devices, home appliances and other NFC-enabled electronics products... More

NFC World

Panasonic takes NFC to the air


Panasonic Avionics is to add NFC to the in-flight entertainment (IFE) systems it supplies to airlines, providing a way for passengers and crew to make contactless payments and for passengers to access a range of personalized travel benefits... More