Visa reveals growing Euro interest in biometric authentication

Visa Study

More than three in five European consumers (62%) believe using biometric forms of payment authentication will be faster and easier than passwords and PINs, research by Visa reveals, with 42% believing that the procedure could completely eliminate the need for multiple passwords and PIN codes... More

What's New in Payments

Join NFC World for a free webinar to learn how banks can deliver differentiated mobile strategies

NFC World will host a free webinar on Thursday 13 October exploring how financial institutions can take control of their own mobile payment strategies to move beyond standard handset maker and card network schemes and provide a differentiated offering to retain customers, attract new business and add fresh revenue streams... More

NFC World

NFC Forum agrees key markets promotions

The NFC Forum has signed agreements with the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC), the FIDO Alliance and the Smart Ticketing Alliance to collaborate on projects that will “advance the adoption and usability of NFC in key markets and technology sectors” including automotive, public transportation and digital identity... More