What's New in Payments

BBC Click showcases Tappy’s wearable contactless payments technology

Tappy wearable contactless payments technology

PARTNER NEWS: The latest episode of the British public broadcaster’s popular technology series includes a segment on wearable payments that features a demonstration of how consumers can use Tappy’s technology to add a tokenized bank card to a wide array of contactless devices, including NFC-enabled watch straps, headphones, rings, lipstick holders and more... More

What's New in Payments

Antelop explains how token management solutions can help banks cut costs and improve their customers’ user experience

Antelop token management solution webinar presentation cover

KNOWLEDGE CENTRE: Token management solutions that enable consumers to self-manage their digital cards from within their mobile banking app will provide issuers with the ability both to reduce customer service costs and improve customer experience, Antelop Solutions CEO Nicolas Bruley explains in a 22-minute webinar now available to view in the NFCW Knowledge Centre... More

What's New in Payments

Visa proposes CBDC protocol that lets consumers exchange digital cash via Bluetooth or NFC

Visa paper on CBDC protocol enabling consumers to exchange digital cash via NFC or Bluetooth

Visa has published a research paper exploring an offline payment system (OPS) protocol for central bank digital currencies (CBDC) that would enable users to make digital payments to other users even when both sender and recipient are temporarily offline or unable to connect to a bank, payment network or other intermediary... More