ST provides brands with guidance on how best to implement NFC tags

STMicroelectronics NFC design considerations white paper cover and pages
ADDED VALUE This 24-page guide explains how to create engaging consumer experiences using NFC tags

KNOWLEDGE CENTRE: A comprehensive guide to using NFC tags to create engaging consumer experiences is now available to download from the NFCW Knowledge Centre.

NFC tags embedded in consumer goods enable brands to offer customers a wide range of enhanced interactive user experiences, STMicroelectronics explains in the white paper, but effective design is essential to ensuring an NFC-enabled experience delivers its full potential for the user.

“While adding the NFC technology is exciting, it is important to avoid the ‘what’s the point of tapping my phone on this NFC touchpoint?’ effect,” ST says.

“So, it is important that after tapping on the NFC touchpoint, the consumer will find value in the content they are accessing.”

“If NFC comes with benefits for your customers, they will engage with your brand in an unprecedented way which will increase their loyalty and your brand’s reach.”

“Test and integration is most certainly one of the key success factors of your NFC implementation. Indeed, you need to make sure that all the components you have developed, whether it is designing the tag antenna, integrating the tag onto your product, or developing an application on smartphone all work well together from the user point of view,” the paper adds.

“Prototyping early will help you validate your NFC project proof-of-concept. And doing intermediate integration tests, with a representative panel of smartphones and with in-situ touchpoints, will help you track any deviation preventing a good user experience early in your project.”

Readers wanting to know more about using NFC tags to enhance customer user experience and raise brand and product profile can download ‘NFC design considerations for an improved user experience’ from the NFCW Knowledge Centre.