NFC World

Clear Channel to take NFC advertising global

Clear Channel's Connect system in operation

Clear Channel Outdoor is to equip 75,000 out-of-home advertising sites in 23 countries around the world with its Connect mobile advertising platform, allowing consumers to interact with brands via NFC tags, QR codes and, in Latin America, via SMS... More

NFC World

Thinfilm to offer NFC temperature sensors for product packaging

Printed NFC barcode

Printed electronics specialist Thinfilm is to introduce low cost NFC time and temperature sensors that can be incorporated into the packaging of food products and other perishable items, to enable consumers, distributors and merchants to use an NFC phone to check that a product has been kept at the required temperature all the way through the supply chain... More

NFC World

Smartrac to seed Internet of Things platform with 1.5bn tags a year

Smartrac CEO Clemens Joos

The company’s Smart Cosmos platform will provide an open, secure and standardized way to track the world’s objects, Smartrac CEO Clemens Joos has told NFC World, enabling system integrators, developers and consumers to connect physical objects with cloud-based descriptions that can be used to identify, authenticate and verify products, track assets and deliver a wide range of consumer applications... More

NFC World

New Mini gets NFC key cap option

Buyers of the new Mini F56 will be able to customize the design of their car key by choosing an official aftermarket ‘key cap’ that supports NFC and will be available from Mini dealers worldwide... More

NFC World

Nokia offers NFC Treasure Tags

Nokia has introduced bright plastic tags that can be attached to a Lumia smartphone owner’s keys, bag, wallet and other valuables and emit “a loud tone” when they become separated from the phone... More

NFC World

Windows Phone users to get more NFC controls

Window Phone 8

Windows Phone 8.1 will increase the level of control users have over NFC payment cards provisioned to their NFC SIM when it ships in mid-2014, according to a series of leaked screenshots, as well as provide a way for users to speed up NFC tag interaction times... More

NFC World

Pylon seeks funds for WiFi access point with NFC


Funding is being raised on Kickstarter to commercialize an ultra-slim wall plaque that enables visitors to connect to a host’s WiFi network without having to ask for and enter a password, by just tapping their phone on entry to a home or commercial location... More