UK government to implement contactless digital border

UK border force officer holding passport

The UK government is to begin testing technologies and greater use of biometric innovations for automated border identity verification checks as part of its newly published plans to develop, test and implement a “contactless digital border” at airports, ports and other entry points to the country... More

Transit Ticketing Today

Bengaluru metro to let passengers pay with their face

The Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation (BMRCL) in the Indian city of Bengaluru is planning to roll out AI-powered biometric facial recognition technology that will enable passengers with monthly travel passes to walk through station automatic fare collection gates by verifying their identity with their face and without needing a physical smart card, pass or token... More

Morocco launches national digital identity platform 

Morocco Digital Development Agency logo

Citizens of Morocco can now scan information from their contactless National Electronic Identity Card (CNIE) to create a digital identity using a national digital identity platform launched by the country’s Digital Development Agency and General Directorate of National Security (DGNS)... More

New EU law to force Apple to open up its NFC chip?

EU spokesperson Andreas Schwab speaking in front of EU stars logo

Negotiators from the European Parliament and the European Council have provisionally agreed the text of a Digital Markets Act (DMA) that will obligate “gatekeeper” technology companies such as Apple and Google to “allow app developers fair access to the supplementary functionalities of smartphones (eg NFC chip)”... More