Survey reveals Samsung Pay tops satisfaction list in US

Apple Pay captures the greatest proportion of eligible users in the US with 33%, followed by Samsung Pay with 23%, research released by Auriemma Consulting Group (ACG) reveals. However, Samsung Pay users report higher satisfaction levels and fewer issues at the point of sale compared to Apple Pay users, with near equal proportions recommending both mobile payment services.

ACG ACG’s latest Mobile Pay Tracker  based on 2,004 US consumers, of which 1,000 had Apple Pay eligible devices and around 327 had Samung Pay eligible devices  reveals that the level of satisfaction among Samsung Pay users stands at 92% compared to 84% for Apple Pay, while 49% of those using Samsung Pay would recommend the service, compared to 53% for Apple Pay.

Samsung Pay eligible consumers also report the highest proportion of discretionary spend going to the payment app (22%), while Apple Pay eligible consumers cite a lesser proportion (15%), behind both credit card and cash spend.

Samsung Pay users spend more using the service (US$82) compared to Apple Pay users ($75) in an average week, while only 19% of Samsung Pay users report difficulties at the point of sale compared to 31% for Apple Pay.

Additionally, those using Samsung Pay show greater enthusiasm for using the mobile payment service in-store, with 56% always asking store personnel about acceptance compared to 42% of Apple Pay users.

“Some of this may be due to its newness, with most Samsung users reporting three months of experience compared to a year for Apple Pay,” says Marianne Berry, managing director of ACG’s Payment Insights practice. “Even so, Samsung Pay outscores Apple Pay on a number of metrics.

“Right now, the pool of eligible Samsung users is much smaller than Apple’s, but as more Samsung phones are upgraded, the application’s broader merchant acceptance has the potential to more quickly convert its smartphone owners to Pay users.”

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One comment on this article

  1. No mention here of the big advantage that Samsung Pay enjoys over Apple Pay, that is it works with more point of sale devices. Using the technology that Samsung acquired when it bought Loop Pay, it works with both NFC and magnetic stripe swipe readers. Not only would this account for the higher level satisfaction but it would be expected.

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