Telecom Italia begins NFC pilot in Milan

Participants in the trial can use their NFC phones on Milan’s public transport network, in around 1,000 stores and to access interactive information services.

Telecom Italia
TELECOM ITALIA: “NFC services will soon be available to all of our clients, from individuals to major corporations and government departments”

Telecom Italia has begun an NFC pilot in the city of Milan. Timed to coincide with the GSMA’s NFC & Mobile Money Summit, which takes place in the city this week, the 1,000 pilot participants can use NFC phones to pay for public transportation and taxi rides, make purchases in stores and collect information from smart posters.

The pilot covers Milan’s bus, tram, subway and train services as well as around 1,000 retail outlets. Coupons and discount vouchers are also being tested, in partnership with trade associations Confcommercio, Confartigianato and Confesercenti.

Tourist information signs have also been equipped with NFC tags for the project and an interactive tour of the Leonardo da Vinci machines pavilion at the Museum of Science and Technology has also been delivered.

A video produced by Telecom Italia shows the service in action:

Telecom Italia is also providing attendees of the NFC & Mobile Money Summit with Samsung Galaxy Mini 2 NFC phones they can use to test out the service during the event.

“Telecom Italia has proven that SIM-based NFC services are already a reality, and that they are extremely simple and secure for customers to use,” says Oscar Cicchetti, head of strategy at the operator. “Telecom Italia’s commitment and agreements with major partners and aggregators of this ecosystem, including Intesa Sanpaolo, ATM, Trenord, Kinetic and Logital, ensure that NFC services will soon be available to all of our clients, from individuals to major corporations and government departments.”

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