NFC World

Paris Metro begins NFC ticketing pilot

Bus tickets and Navigo passes are available on smartphones in Ile-de-France — RTL (translation) — “RATP has begun pilot testing a service that makes it possible to buy and store a metro ticket directly on a smartphone. This first pilot is being conducted with around one hundred users, selected from RATP and SNCF employees. The system will be extended to include the Navigo Pass in November and extended to all operators in the summer of 2019.”

What's New in Payments

IBM’s Watson integrates Visa Token Service to enable tokenized payments on connected devices

IBM Visa

IBM is to integrate Visa Token Service into its Watson IoT cognitive technology platform to enable payments to be embedded into “any device connected to the Internet of Things (IoT)”, with all of IBM’s Watson IoT Platform customers gaining access to Visa payment services via IBM’s cloud service — rather than businesses needing to be approached on a one-by-one basis... More

Transit Ticketing Today

French joint venture to deploy NFC mobile ticketing


A joint venture has been established in France with the aim of bringing an NFC mobile ticketing solution to the market in 2017. Public transport operator RATP, mobile network operator Orange, digital security giant Gemalto and railway company SNCF each hold a 25% stake in Wizway Solutions, which remains open to other operators and carriers. More