Samsung adds biometrics to mobile transactions

Samsung’s IT service arm Samsung SDS has teamed up with vision and voice technology provider Sensory to offer embedded biometric recognition technologies to banks and enterprise customers that will also enable authentication and completion of mobile transactions.

Samsung SDS logo “With this combined Samsung/Sensory authentication solution, users can open an application or complete a transaction in a secure and frictionless way by simply looking at their front-facing camera-equipped mobile phone or by simply stating the selected passphrase when prompted by their mobile device,” Samsung SDS says.

“By fusing Sensory’s face and voice authentication technologies, an added layer of security can be achieved for higher value transactions by requiring both the user’s face and voice to be verified.

“Alternatively, by fusing the two biometric modalities, an added level of convenience can be achieved by requiring that only the user’s face or voice be verified. This enables accurate biometric authorisation of either the user’s voice in the presence of poor lighting, or their face in intrusive noise.”

Samsung SDS will make use of Sensory’s TrulySecure which requires no specialised hardware or biometric scanners. Because each company has been independently awarded Fido Certification, the venture will also be compliant with Fido UAF guidelines.

“User authentication and mobile security is gaining more significance in this era of digital banking,” says James Choi, vice president of the mobile payments business at Samsung SDS. “Working with Sensory will allow us to innovate more secure solutions for our customers and provide them with the future of digital banking, today.”

“Sensory and Samsung have been working closely for many years in the mobile device and home appliance markets, and we are excited to be expanding our partnership to include mobile payments and authentication for banking and enterprise,” adds Sensory CEO, Todd Mozer.

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