Proxama gains certification to use Google’s Eddystone beacons

PARTNER NEWS: Digital payment solutions provider Proxama has gained certification from Google to deliver a range of consumer experiences that utilise the Eddystone open beacon format, after passing the technical requirements to demonstrate full stack integration.

The move will allow Proxama to deliver experiences using the physical web, enabling users to discover web content relevant to their surroundings using Eddystone Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons without needing to download a specific app.

Proxama “Proxama is only the second company in the world and the first in Europe to be certified by Google as a location services provider — companies who can offer services and experiences on Google’s beacon format, Eddystone,” Proxama says.

“The certification means that Google has endorsed Proxama to provide its beacon services to existing and new customers. Proxama will continue to collaborate with Google as it enables new user experiences for consumers.”

Proxama launched a physical web service across London with support from Google in March 2016, enabling commuters across the capital to access real-time transport updates and contextually relevant advertising on their mobile phones.

Google began supporting the physical web in its Chrome browser in February 2015, enabling users to discover internet content relevant to their surroundings via Eddystone Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons.

Full details can be found in the press release:

Google certifies Proxama for physical web experiences

Proximity marketing expert becomes the first in Europe to achieve certification

London, United Kingdom, 2nd September 2016 – Proxama PLC, the leading mobile proximity marketing expert, announced today that it has become certified by Google to deliver Eddystone experiences for consumers, including physical web, after passing the technical requirements to demonstrate full stack integration.

Proxama is only the second company in the world and the first in Europe to be certified by Google as a location services provider – companies who can offer services and experiences on Google’s beacon format, Eddystone.

Google’s beacon certification platform aims to build an ecosystem of trusted partners that offer full-stack integration with the platform. Since the certification program launched in Q2 2016 two location service providers – including Proxama – have graduated. Google selects its location service providers – companies who offer services and experiences on a beacon platform, but do not themselves manufacture beacons – based on their ability to enable compelling user experiences.

The certification means that Google has endorsed Proxama to provide its beacon services to existing and new customers. Proxama will continue to collaborate with Google as it enables new user experiences for consumers. Juniper Research estimates that revenue from beacon-triggered content may reach as much as $44 billion by 2020, and that over 71% of that revenue will be driven through highly targeted and contextually aware ad-supported services.

“Our beacon network, closely tied to transport hubs and high footfall environments, is opening up a universe of new opportunities for brands to deploy real world context within their engagement with consumers,” said John Kennedy, CEO, Proxama. “It provides the ability to target high demand demographics with contextually relevant content, often during ‘dwell time’ when they are in transit and more open to receiving content.”

Kennedy continued: “With the stakes so high, brands need to work with trusted experts that have a deep knowledge of how to maximise these emerging and exciting capabilities. Our certification, and the recognition from Google, is a testament to this expertise and the physical web services we offer to our clients. We look forward to working with even more brands to drive this industry forward and deliver outstanding experiences for their consumers.”

The physical web offers quick and seamless interactions between physical objects and locations through Eddystone, Google’s open, scalable BLE beacon format designed to help publishers, developers and brands deploy real-world context for their users.

Proxama recently announced its work with Skyscanner on an innovative web engagement campaign targeting consumers on the move via Google Nearby and its network of Eddystone supported beacons.

About Proxama PLC

Proxama PLC is the leading mobile proximity commerce company.

Proxama specialise in transport based mobile proximity services, using Bluetooth beacon-led technology, to deliver the most accurate and reliable mobile location and behavioural data for digital advertisers and agencies.

Proxama’s award-winning mobile technology platform, TapPoint®, enables brands to connect physical and digital assets via mobile to increase consumer engagement, retail sales and loyalty, across transport networks and high footfall destinations such as shopping malls, stadiums, city centres and events.

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