NFC World

Taiwan TSM plans face opposition

Easycard logo

The decision, taken yesterday by Taiwan’s Fair Trade Commission, to grant conditional approval for Taiwan’s five carriers and transit card issuer EasyCard to set up a national TSM joint venture for NFC payments and ticketing has not been universally welcomed... More

NFC World

Taiwan TSM project gets approval

Taiwanese flag

Taiwan’s Fair Trade Commission has given the go-ahead for transportation card issuer EasyCard and the country’s five carriers to form a joint venture company to deliver NFC payments and ticketing services — provided the partners comply with a number of conditions designed to ensure a competitive environment is maintained. More

NFC World

Orange and China Mobile sign NFC development deal

Orange and China Mobile

“By working together with China Mobile, we hope to show that the development of a SIM-card based approach using recognized standards will be a key factor in winning over consumer confidence as NFC services become more and more prevalent over the coming years,” says Orange’s Thierry Millet. More

NFC World

Juniper scales back NFC forecast

Dr Windsor Holden

Global NFC retail transaction values will now reach US$110bn in 2017, significantly below the $180bn previously forecast, the analysts say, due to the lack of NFC in the iPhone 5, lower than expected adoption of Google Wallet and the delay in the launch of Isis. More