Balmain adds NFC tags to Pokémon clothing range

French fashion house Balmain clothing with NFC tags

Luxury fashion brand Balmain Paris has added NFC tags to jackets and patches in its Balmain x Pokémon range that enable purchasers to unlock rewards and access an immersive digital experience by tapping the tag with their Apple or Android NFC smartphone... More

Nike and Rtfkt use NFC to link physical clothing with NFTs

Nike and Rtfkt hoodies with NFC to link physical clothing with NFTs

Nike and its digital fashion brand Rtfkt have launched a hoodie incorporating an NFC chip that enables purchasers to connect it to a digital version of the garment in the form of a non-fungible token (NFT) that can be ‘worn’ by digital avatars in Rtfkt’s Clone X avatar ecosystem... More

Researchers develop NFC extenders that can be built into clothing to enable hands-free NFC interactions at a distance

smart clothing with ‘body-centric NFC’ that enables hands-free access control

An international team of researchers has developed flexible NFC extenders that enable the wearer to interact with NFC tags at a greater distance than has previously been possible, opening up the potential for hands-free NFC interactions in use cases ranging from exchanging contact details at a distance, entering a building while carrying shopping bags and accessing online instructions while carrying out physical exercise... More