Okey Co explains how its contactless keyfob can unlock new NFC business opportunities

An Okey is 38mm square and encapsulates a USB port, rechargeable battery, NFC, Bluetooth LE and a secure element
COMPACT: The Okey is 38mm square and encapsulates a USB port, rechargeable battery, NFC, Bluetooth LE and a secure element

PARTNER NEWS: A presentation that sets out the potential of the Okey — a standalone, multifunction NFC keyfob that can store multiple contactless payment, transit, loyalty and identity cards — is now available to download from the NFC World Knowledge Centre.

Download Okey's 25-slide presentation from the NFC World Knowledge Centre User authentication, contactless card reading and bluetooth pairing are all also supported by the compact 38mm square Okey, opening up the potential to develop new business models and revenue streams for companies issuing an Okey device to their customers.

The 25-page presentation provides a technical overview of the Okey’s capabilities, details a variety of potential use cases and introduces Okey Co, the Beijing-based startup that is bringing the Okey to market.

Readers interested in discovering how the Okey could open up new business opportunities can download the full presentation from the NFC World Knowledge Centre here.

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