Swedish supermarket uses NFC price tags to promote deals and discounts

SHELF LIVE: NFC tags in a Swedish supermarket send out promotions to shoppers

Customers at supermarket ICA Norrviken in a northern suburb of Stockholm can now view promotional deals, discounts, competitions and detailed information about products by tapping their phones against dynamic NFC tags integrated into price labels. The supermarket has also placed NFC smart posters outside its store to let customers tap to buy prepackaged grocery bags directly from their mobile device.

The platform has been provided by Adfields with the aim of not only testing public reaction, but also seeing how it increases sales and enhances the effectiveness of the supermarket’s promotional activities, Adfields’ Martin Kemeny told NFC World.

“We have installed dynamic NFC tags that are integrated with the price tags that sit on the shelves,” Kemeny explained. “300 tags have been placed in the store. Customers can get more information about the products — detailed lists of content for people with allergies, for instance. As the tags are dynamic and can be redirected, we can add promotional deals, discounts, competitions and other promotional content.

“The posters outside the shop enable people to react on the offer to buy the prepackaged grocery bags outside of opening hours just by tapping their phone on the posters. They come prepackaged so customers cannot change the content — customers can chose from different kinds of bags, from Bistro to Inspiration.”

Informed choice

“There are information tags on signs scattered around the store that inform customers about how to use NFC and also how it is activated. This is not only a test of how the public will use the information system. This is also a test of how to increase sales by making it easier for the customers to make an informed choice, presenting new recipes or making it easier to take part in promotional activities.”

“On launch day, we interviewed the supermarket’s customers and demonstrated how the information system works,” Kemeny added. “The feedback was positive and many pointed out the user friendliness of the system. During the next six months, we will work in close cooperation with the supermarket to tweak the system and its content.”

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