Three news stories.
• Should Calm Island be in the NFCW Expo? Is this your organisation? Find out how to get your NFCW Expo showcase.
• Should Calm Island be in the NFCW Expo? Is this your organisation? Find out how to get your NFCW Expo showcase.
NFC World’s “Tap and Play... More
NFC technology is included in the Nintendo Wii U and Disney Infinity as well as numerous smartphones and tablets — and it may yet make an appearance in Microsoft’s Xbox One. Join our webinar on Thursday 12 December to find out how NFC is changing the rules of the game. More
The next event in NFC World’s free educational webinar series, to be held from 13:00 to 14:00 GMT on Thursday 12 December, will focus on using NFC in toys and games... More