NFC World webinar to share real-world lessons from HCE mobile payments pilot

NFC World will host a free webinar on Thursday 8 December to provide insight into the lessons learned from a real-world implementation of a host card emulation (HCE) mobile payments service that makes use of Visa and Mastercard’s cloud-based payment standards.

webinar-flag-200 This online event offers a unique opportunity to learn from a speaker with first-hand experience of selecting and piloting an HCE service that enables cardholders to make in-store payments with support for any form of payment account, including prepaid, gift, loyalty, payroll and insurance.

Case study: Lessons learned from implementing HCE for cloud-based NFC mobile payments will feature presentations from Shaun Hodgkiss, CTO of leading South Africa-based prepaid card processor Tutuka, and technology provider Proxama’s Rob Macmillan.

The speakers will discuss the rationale behind the HCE project, the technologies employed — including the innovative use of Amazon Web Services’ PCI compliant cloud-hosting environment — as well as Tutuka’s mobile payments strategy, the company’s objectives for the future and the lessons learned along the way.

The event will be chaired by NFC World’s Sarah Clark and will offer ample opportunity for questions from the audience at the end. You can find out more and sign up here.

Next: Visit the NFCW Expo to find new suppliers and solutions