Nearly half of iPhone 6 owners successfully using Apple Pay

Nearly half (46%) of US iPhone 6 owners have now successfully used Apple Pay, up from 42% two months ago, and 63% of those are using the mobile payments service on a weekly basis, the bi-monthly Apple Pay Tracker from Auriemma Consulting Group (ACG) has revealed.

Apple The research, based on a survey of 500 iPhone 6 owners in the US, finds that 67% of those that have used Apple Pay in-store are now migrating towards merchants that accept the service and 51% say that they are using other payment methods, such as cash, less often since they began using Apple Pay.

However, 45% of respondents have reported experiencing issues while setting up Apple Pay and the main complaint for the service is the lack of retailers that accept it.

“Mobile payments still comprise only a small fraction of overall payments volume,” says Marianne Berry, managing director of ACG’s Payment Insights practice. “Apple Pay is the first service to garner double-digit numbers of users.

“As the upgrade cycle gives more consumers access to Apple Pay, and Android Pay comes to market, the long-awaited transformation of the payments industry may finally have begun. It will be interesting to see how US adoption patterns compare to those in the UK and in Canada — markets with higher penetration of NFC and contactless cards — when Apple Pay is rolled out there.”

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6 comments on this article

  1. Big news! Or is it…?

    A sample cooked in a small pot (500 out of how many tens of millions of iPhone sales?), tells us that 4% more iPhone 6 users (as opposed to iPhone 6 and 6+, or even just ‘iPhone’) are using the big A.P.. Why only 500? Where did they sample them, outside of Starbucks? Why only iPhone 6?

    Perhaps the company’s tagline (“Providing Deep Focus across the Consumer Payments and Lending Landscape”) tells us something: They have very deep focus…on something.

    If a company is going to try to gauge whether Apple Pay is gaining traction, why do they only sample only a single type of Apple phone capable of using it? Why do they sample only 500 users? Yes, they say “a fresh sample,” but what does that mean? Newly-interviewed people? How do they know, do they ask for I.D.? Looking at the company’s website reveals none of these details. No sampling data, no records, just a story about how “APPLE PAY IS TAKING OFF!”

    This has all the earmarks of plain old PR. But that’s ok, because it’s obviously working. You’ll find this story repeated dozens of times with no supporting information.

    Just sayin’. In a month we’ll see a story similar to one that appeared last month, on how the accepted Apple Pay numbers don’t represent what’s really happening. Bookmark it.

        1. The survey is clearly about both models. Anything else would be nonsensical. But of course they are collectively referred to as “the iPhone 6” rather than the much more cumbersome and needlessly specific “the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6+”.

          1. Whatever dude. If you want to keep this up, you can hunt up and count the number of articles where differing versions of phones are referenced collectively without saying so at the start, and I’ll likewise hunt up and count the number where they are clearly called out separately (which is most of them). I routinely see articles separately mentioning the Note 4 and Note Edge, the S6 and S6 edge, etc.. It’s standard practice, since there are always minor differences in both hardware and buyers.

            Not that it matters at all anyway, since the other items I mentioned still negate the reliability of the numbers. We don’t know where the people were sampled or anything else about it, and the company who did the polling does not provide the information.

            It’s ok though, I’ll admit defeat on this to make things simple. Apple rules the payment world and they will stand forever as a world phone payment leader. Yay Apple.

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