NFC World

Researchers build NFC antennas into smart fabrics

Smart fabrics made possible by new metal deposition technique — Imperial College London — “Imperial researchers have devised a way to deposit metals onto fabrics and used it to insert sensors and batteries into these materials… The technique could be used to incorporate batteries, wireless technologies and sensors into fabrics like paper and cotton textiles… For example, they created silver coil antennas on paper, which can be used for data and power transmission in wireless devices such as Oyster cards and contactless payment systems.”

NFC World

Seibersdorf adds NFC to textiles

Seibersdorf's textile tag

The Austrian R&D company’s new textile tags use an antenna that can be woven into fabrics during manufacture, opening up a new market where NFC phones can be used to interact with fashion garments, workwear and a host of other new applications. More