Four news stories.
• Should Payex be in the NFCW Expo? Is this your organisation? Find out how to get your NFCW Expo showcase.
• Should Payex be in the NFCW Expo? Is this your organisation? Find out how to get your NFCW Expo showcase.
MeaWallet, a white label solution that supports mobile payments via NFC, Bluetooth LE, host card emulation (HCE), QR and more, is to be launched in May this year, enabling retailers, banks, MNOs and service providers to support a wide range of options for making mobile purchases in stores ... More
4T Sverige, the joint venture company set up by Sweden’s four mobile network operators, is to launch a mobile payments service that works with 97% of current phones and also provides support for NFC. More
Accumulate, developer of an NFC payments system currently being rolled out to 100,000 Swedish university students, has received over US$2m in venture capital funding... More
Payments processor Payex is installing a mobile payments system at a number of Swedish universities with more than 100,000 students, initially using NFC stickers but later moving to NFC phones, expected to enrol over the next six months. More