Visa and Mastercard are increasing the contactless payment limit in Canada by 150%, from C$100 (US$70) to C$250 (US$176).
“Canada has been recognised as one of the most cashless societies in the world and the majority of in-person Mastercard transactions in Canada are already tapped,” Mastercard says. “With this change, this contactless adoption is expected to grow even further.”
“Once implemented by partners, this means that cardholders will be able to purchase more of what they need with the security, speed and touch-free experience of contactless payments at more merchants across Canada.”
“Visa has not yet announced when its increase will become effective but confirmed it is currently working with industry partners,” The Globe and Mail reports.
• Find full and up-to-date details of worldwide contactless limit increases in NFCW’s table of contactless transaction limit changes.
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