Italian bank customers get electronic PIN delivery

PARTNER NEWS: Customers of Italian retail bank Intesa Sanpaolo can now receive their PIN codes through SMS or via the web, without having to wait for postal delivery. The bank is using digital security giant Gemalto’s Allynis PIN by e-Channel technology to power the service, which will soon also enable PIN delivery through mobile banking.

Gemalto “Gemalto’s current PIN-by-SMS and PIN-by-Web solutions will be joined by a new PIN-by-App channel, giving Intesa Sanpaolo customers the freedom to access instant PIN notifications and reminders via their mobile phone, tablet or PC,” Gemalto says. “Over 800,000 codes have already been securely distributed.

“Customers can activate and use their new credit and debit cards immediately by receiving an immediate notification of their PIN.”

Full details can be found in the press release:

Intesa Sanpaolo accelerates digital banking transformation with Gemalto’s PIN by e-Channel

Gemalto, the world leader in digital security, is continuing its support for the digital transformation of Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy’s most popular retail bank, by supplying its Allynis PIN by e-Channel solution that enables PIN delivery via SMS, web or their mobile banking app. The introduction of the world’s first comprehensive e-PIN notification service marks the latest stage of Intesa Sanpaolo’s partnership with Gemalto, which is leveraging innovative digital technologies to enhance the customer experience, build competitive advantage and secure greater operating efficiency. By the end of the year, Gemalto’s current PIN-by-SMS and PIN-by-Web solutions will be joined by a new PIN-by-App channel, giving Intesa Sanpaolo customers the freedom to access instant PIN notifications and reminders via their mobile phone, tablet or PC.

Intesa Sanpaolo is one of the largest banks in the Eurozone, and adoption of Gemalto’s PIN by e-Channel solution is integral to the reimagining of its in-branch and digital banking offer. Over 800,000 codes have already been securely distributed, combining swift and seamless customer service with significant cost savings compared to traditional postal delivery. Customers can activate and use their new credit and debit cards immediately by receiving an immediate notification of their PIN. Reminders can also be sent on request via any of the new channels, reducing the number of transactions cancelled because a customer has forgotten his or her PIN.

“Real-time electronic PIN delivery is a key element of our vision for digital, multi-channel banking,” said Massimo Tessitore, Head of Direct Channels, Mobile Payment and eCommerce Department at Intesa Sanpaolo. “With its unique experience, footprint and certification, Gemalto was a natural choice of partner to meet our requirements for security, customer experience, brand image and cost reduction.”

“In a fiercely competitive commercial environment, digitalization offers banks a route to improved customer service, market differentiation, reduced overhead and the creation of trusted ecosystems,” said Philippe Cambriel, President for Europe, Mediterranean and CIS at Gemalto. “The successful implementation of the e-PIN project for Intesa Sanpaolo reflects our ability to accompany banks through every stage of the transformation process, helping them utilize key assets to create a compelling bank offer.”

About Gemalto

Gemalto is the global leader in digital security, with 2015 annual revenues of €3.1 billion and customers in over 180 countries. We bring trust to an increasingly connected world.

Our technologies and services enable businesses and governments to authenticate identities and protect data so they stay safe and enable services in personal devices, connected objects, the cloud and in between.

Gemalto’s solutions are at the heart of modern life, from payment to enterprise security and the internet of things. We authenticate people, transactions and objects, encrypt data and create value for software – enabling our clients to deliver secure digital services for billions of individuals and things.

Our 14,000+ employees operate out of 118 offices, 45 personalization and data centers, and 27 research and software development centers located in 49 countries.

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