Join us for a webinar on selecting and implementing an in-house tokenization solution

Join NFC World at 3pm BST on Thursday 12 May to find out how and why payments service provider Nets selected transaction technology provider Carta Worldwide to launch an in-house solution capable of delivering a tokenization service to serve more than 200 client banks across the Nordic region.

Free webinar The event provides a unique opportunity to learn from a speaker with real world experience of selecting and implementing a tokenization solution and will explore the benefits of adopting an in-house approach.

The ‘Case study — Lessons learned from selecting and implementing a tokenization solution able to serve 200 banks’ webinar will feature a short introduction from Giles Sutherland, vice president of strategic alliances at Carta, followed by an in-depth presentation from Nets’ Hans Henrik Hoffmeyer and a summary of key learnings from Carta’s Elizabeth “Buffy” Duke.

The event will be chaired by NFC World’s editor Sarah Clark and will offer ample opportunity for questions from the audience at the end.

More than 200 people have already signed up to take part in this free webinar. You can find out more and sign up here.

Next: Visit the NFCW Expo to find new suppliers and solutions