Taiwanese banks launch HCE payments

A total of 14 banks within the Taiwan Mobile Payment Co (TWMP) have begun rolling out host card emulation (HCE) based mobile payment services, utilizing technology from Mozido. A further 12 banks are scheduled to launch similar services later this year.

Mozido logo “Mozido’s HCE solution provides a mobile wallet capability for TWMP that supports consumers using HCE cloud-based NFC phones,” Mozido says. “TWMP is one of the first significant implementations globally, and the first customers to go to market with Mozido HCE.”

“We appreciate all the support provided by Mozido and expect a great success in commercial launch,” says TWMP president Wei-Jong Pan.

TWMP signed a deal with Mozido in October 2015 to provide its member banks and financial institutions with a mobile wallet platform offering support for both secure element and HCE cloud-based NFC payments. TWMP was established in 2014 by three Taiwanese banking groups.

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