Carta makes HCE simple with hosted Cloud Suite payments platform

PARTNER NEWS: Carta Worldwide has introduced Cloud Suite 1.0, a cloud-based platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solution for banks and wallet providers that supports tokenization, digital credential management, host card emulation (HCE), NFC contactless and remote payments.

Carta Worldwide logo “Our PaaS model affords a bank time to get in the market, while at the same time focusing on the ‘core’ differentiating functions centered around the end user, instead of the ‘context’ of back-end systems and processes,” says Carta CTO Rui Mendes.

The full press release is below:

Carta Worldwide announces Cloud Suite 1.0 for mobile payments, including world’s only open Platform-as-a-Service cloud-based payments solution for HCE

Cloud Suite 1.0 for mobile payments, the world’s only full-service cloud-based payments and tokenization solution

Toronto, Canada — February 26, 2015

Carta Worldwide is pleased to announce Cloud Suite 1.0 for mobile payments, the world’s only full-service cloud-based payments and tokenization solution for banks and wallet service providers.

Cloud Suite 1.0 offers tailored delivery of Carta’s comprehensive cloud-based payments and tokenization technology, including:

  • Pilot and Test Platform: for agile development of mobile payment applications and cloud payment functionality
  • Platform-as-a-Service: Cloud-hosted software for rapid scalable deployment of HCE mobile payment products with flexible roadmap options
  • Software License: for custom in-house implementation

A highlight of Cloud Suite 1.0’s launch is its Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering, which for the first time ever offers a complete technology solution – including tokenization, digital credential management, and a rich developer environment – all as a hosted service. The solution supports Host Card Emulation (HCE) NFC proximity payments and remote payments.

Carta’s PaaS solution enables accelerated deployment of cloud-based payments products while minimizing impact on banks’ existing systems. This lowers cost and time associated with testing and certification, and accelerates mobile payment app development. The PaaS offering allows flexibility to minimize risk associated with new product development as well as agility to adapt as markets and technologies evolve.

Rui Mendes, CTO at Carta commented, “PaaS and cloud software models have proven to be highly effective across the tech universe – the cloud approach alleviates constraints on internal IT teams and systems. In our experience, in-house software solutions can often be expensive and taxing on internal IT resources.” Rui added, “We have always viewed the future of payments as very dynamic, and our PaaS model affords a bank time to get in the market, while at the same time focusing on the ‘core’ differentiating functions centered around the end-user instead of the ‘context’ of back-end systems and processes.”

Carta’s cloud-based payments technology is currently in use today with industry leading clients across four continents. Westpac Bank, a recognized innovation leader across Asia Pacific, was an early adopter of Carta’s suite of cloud-based payment technology.

Shane Howell, Chief Product Officer at WestPac NZ added, “Digital commerce is still an evolving landscape. Carta’s technology has given Westpac the flexibility to have a roadmap that provides open future options, security and scale for our Digital Wallet as the market grows over time. That agility has allowed us to minimize upfront IT investment and instead focus on building a holistic proposition based around best-in class-user experience and compelling value added services.”

Brian Semkiw, Carta’s CEO, commented, “Our focus is to enable our clients to adapt with the payments ecosystem. We believe that in the same way that Salesforce unlocked lightweight cloud solutions for enterprise software, Carta’s offering will deliver easily deployed, scalable and low cost solutions for mobile payments.”

Mr Semkiw continued, “Banks must always manage risk, which includes the adoption of new technologies. Carta’s PaaS solution eliminates the risk associated with these new technologies and provides open options for the future.”

Carta is the only HCE provider that includes token processing within its technology offering. Central to Carta’s Cloud Suite 1.0 is a next-generation transaction processing platform that provides complete token processing capabilities. This allows issuers to leave existing processing systems in place without major changes or development required.

Carta’s Cloud Suite 1.0 was designed in-line with the EMVco Tokenization Standards and is fully compliant with industry cloud-based payments specifications, including MasterCard, Visa and American Express.

About Carta Worldwide

Carta is an award-winning leader in digital transaction processing and enablement technologies, delivering new and innovative financial products for the digital world. Carta empowers banks, MNOs, OEMs, merchants and others to enable existing cardholder accounts or issue new financial products for proximity and cloud-based transactions quickly and easily.

Carta is the only platform in the world that offers end-to-end issuance, processing and enablement for digital accounts, including tokenization, digital credential management and provisioning. Carta simplifies cloud-based payments, delivering fastest time to market, agile product development, and lowest total cost of ownership.

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