Three news stories.
• Should Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) be in the NFCW Expo? Is this your organisation? Find out how to get your NFCW Expo showcase.
• Should Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) be in the NFCW Expo? Is this your organisation? Find out how to get your NFCW Expo showcase.
The NFC Forum has published the second version of its specification for signing and vouching for the integrity of data held in NFC tags, adding support for compact certificates and new signature algorithms... More
The NFC Forum has issued the Personal Health Device Communication (PHDC) Technical Specification and released two candidate specifications, Connection Handover 1.3 and Signature RTD 2.0... More
New companies joining the NFC standards body include Acer, Bell Mobility, China UnionPay and Lenovo. Qualcomm has upgraded to sponsor level and Kovio to principal level membership. More