NFC World

Canadian banks move on NFC

Members of the Canadian Bankers Association reached agreement on Friday on how NFC mobile payments will be handled in Canada, says The Globe and Mail, opening the way for the first commercial deployments to take place... More

NFC World

Tonga gets commercial NFC payments service

Tonga's Nuku Island - Pic: Stefan Heinrich (Msdstefan at

The tiny pacific island nation has become one of the first countries in the world to get a commercial NFC service with the launch of ‘Beep and Go’, a service introduced by local carrier Digicel that works in conjunction with NFC phones and stickers as well as the carrier’s existing Mobile Money remittance service and Verifone’s mWallet technology. More

NFC World

Martineau leaves Inside Secure

Philippe Martineau has left NFC and contactless chip specialist Inside Secure, which recently floated on the NYSE Euronext Paris stock exchange, to join NFC microSD specialist DeviceFidelity as VP of business development... More

NFC World

Barnes & Noble to add NFC to Nook e-reader

Barnes & Noble's bestselling Nook Color

With an NFC-enabled Nook, you could “walk up to any of our pictures, any [of] our aisles, any of our bestseller lists, and just touch the book, and get information on that physical book on your Nook and have some frictionless purchase experience. That’s coming, and we could lead in that area,” the US bookseller’s CEO has told Fortune. More

NFC World

ScholarChip brings NFC to Philadelphia schools

School bus

The student ID card provider has partnered with the School District of Philadelphia and ACS to combine NFC phones, contactless student ID cards and transportation passes with the aim of cutting costs, creating a safer and more efficient student transit service and providing parents and staff with accurate student location information. More