NFC World

HID Global adds employee IDs to NFC wearables

HID Global

PARTNER NEWS: HID Global has announced that employee ID card issuers can now use its Seos digital credential technology to let staff use smart watches, watchbands, rings and other devices to gain access to buildings, log in to PCs and cloud applications, make payments at vending machines, and more... More

What's New in Payments

Timex, Mastercard and Tappy report on the role of wearable payments in urban mobility

Wearable Payment Summit 2020: Urban mobility

KNOWLEDGE CENTRE: Convenience, consumer choice, and the ability to use contactless payments for public transportation hold the key to driving the mass market adoption of wearable payments in urban environments, Timex, Mastercard and Tappy explain in a panel discussion which is now available to watch free of charge in the NFCW Knowledge Centre... More