NFC World

Charity adds emotion to missing person posters with NFC

A poster campaign for British charity Missing People uses NFC tags to enable users to listen to a recording of a phone call made to the charity in order to “create an immediate emotional response to the advertisement and help the charity demonstrate what it’s like for those who don’t know how to make that first call.” More

NFC World

Isis details NFC wallet plans


“The Isis mobile wallet, set for release in two US cities this summer, will feature a prepaid card with cash already loaded and a capability to ‘follow’ participating merchants to receive coupons and other offers,” reports Digital Transactions, which attended an event held by Isis last week in Austin, Texas... More

NFC World

KDDI launches NFC in Japan


The mobile network operator will begin commercial NFC services from the end of January with partners including Japan Airlines, credit card issuers, loyalty programme providers and retailers. More