Seven news stories.
• Should Carnegie Mellon University be in the NFCW Expo? Is this your organisation? Find out how to get your NFCW Expo showcase.
• Should Carnegie Mellon University be in the NFCW Expo? Is this your organisation? Find out how to get your NFCW Expo showcase.
Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh in the US have developed fabric-friendly NFC sensors that can be woven into the surface of everyday objects such as cushions and pillows and enable them to locate other objects and sense a human presence... More
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University’s Future Interfaces Group have developed a working concept that enables smartphones to interact with smart home appliances using electromagnetic emission sensing technology. More
CMU researchers create touchpads with a can of spray paint — Carnegie Mellon University — “Walls, furniture, steering wheels, toys and even Jell-O can be turned into touch sensors with the technology, dubbed Electrick… The ‘trick’ is to apply electrically conductive coatings or materials to objects or surfaces, or to craft objects using conductive materials.”
A team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University has fooled face recognition algorithms using a pair of fake glasses, New Scientist reports... More
Researches from the University of Washington, Disney Research and Carnegie Mellon University have created a way to give a piece of paper sensing capabilities that enable it to respond to gesture commands and connect to the digital world using RFID tags that can be stuck, printed or drawn on the paper. More
Carnegie Mellon University’s Future Interfaces Group has developed a system that will allow smartwatches to laser project icons representing device functions or notifications for missed calls and messages onto the wearer’s skin... More
Enterprising developers have come up with a ‘LikeBelt’, an NFC-enabled belt buckle that can register Facebook ‘likes’ or check-ins with a thrust of the wearer’s hips... More