Antelop lets banks provide their customers with a way to manage tokenized cards from within their mobile banking app

Antelop Token Manager in action on mobile banking apps
ANTELOP TOKEN MANAGER: Lets customers manage tokenized cards from within their mobile banking app

PARTNER NEWS: Antelop Solutions has launched a tokenized card management solution that makes it possible for banks to provide their customers with the ability to view, control, push, update and manage the card details that they have shared with all the different mobile wallet providers and ecommerce merchants they deal with — from within their mobile banking app.

Antelop Token Manager has been developed to make it easier for banks to manage the growing complexity of their card management operations, CCO Timothée Gruner told NFCW.

“In the past, each card issued to a customer appeared in just one, physical format,” Gruner explained.

“Today, one card can already be provisioned in a tokenized format to multiple mobile wallets and wearable devices, increasing the complexity of card management.”

“The next big challenge is the move from proprietary techniques to Visa/Mastercard scheme tokenization for ecommerce merchants. Major merchants such as Amazon and Netflix have already made the transition and all merchants will soon have to do so,” he added.

“Once this happens, each card will have an array of scheme tokens associated with it that will become extremely complex to manage.

“Antelop Token Manager solution is designed to address the card management challenge this creates by providing a simple way for customers to self-manage their tokens, reducing the strain on the bank’s customer service department and adding value to a bank’s mobile app.”

“With one API integration, our Token Manager allows a bank to provide their cardholders with the ability to view, control and manage all the tokens attached to their cards from within their mobile banking app,” CEO Nicolas Bruley said.

“They can also push a card to a new device or merchant, suspend, resume or delete a token and update tokens automatically when their card and/or their mobile phone is replaced, stolen or lost.

“Antelop Token Manager comes as a PCI DSS-compliant Visa VTS, Mastercard MDES and CB platform, either as an add-on to an existing Antelop Issuer Tokenization (iTSP) Hub or as a complementary solution on top of a bank’s processor connectivity to VTS, MDES and CB.

“Our solution is already certified for Apple Pay and can be deployed in just a few weeks.”

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