Transport Canberra to add support for card and smartphone payments

Man smiling at woman as she uses Transport Canberra MyWay transport ticketing card
GETTING SMARTER: Transport Canberra plans to add card and smartphone support to its ticketing system

A new ticketing system is to be introduced for users of public transport in the Australian capital city of Canberra.

It will be designed to “provide users of both buses and light rail with some of the most advanced ticketing technology aimed at making it easy to plan, pay for and take public transport,” Transport Canberra says.

“The new system will provide flexible payment options to allow you to choose how to pay your fares whether by card, cash, phone or another smart device.”

“People currently need to purchase and top up a MyWay card and, while a similar travel card will still be an option, the range of payment methods will mean a more user-friendly travel experience,” Transport Canberra adds.

“Your feedback is also that the real-time information you are currently receiving is slow and unreliable, and the new ticketing system will improve real-time travel updates.

“A procurement process for the new ticketing system has commenced and more detail will be provided once that process is complete.”

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